by U | Mar 28, 2019 | Blog
I was using my fingernails to crack open some cardamom seeds while the green tea leaves boiled in the water on the stove. The sun was setting and the sky was an eerie shade of blue green. The first rain of the season had cleaned the roads and whatever little snow that...
by U | Mar 21, 2019 | Recipe
As I begin writing this post, I am genuinely smiling for Quintessence is getting its first ever recipe, complete with pictures and instructions (ahem, dare I say it is I who is doing the instructing?). Talk about strange turns and thematics. But lets get down to...
by U | Mar 16, 2019 | Blog
This morning, as I packed my books away into my bag and walked out of the classroom, I happened to join a friend in the hallway as we headed in the same direction. “How’re you holding up, S?” I asked. “Fine, I think.” Then she told me...
by U | Mar 7, 2019 | Blog
There are moments when I feel insignificant and this feeling of unimportance often results in a phase of ingratitude that, upon retrospect, is shameful. Insignificant. Unimportant. Ungrateful. Shame. Powerfully weighted feelings of experience. In the moment(s), these...